
Living a full and happy life starts with your health. Understand how your lifestyle impacts your well-being through a quick and easy Health Test to give you the results you need to make changes and improve your health.

Whether it’s getting those niggling symptoms of tiredness and fatigue checked or monitoring your health to prevent conditions like diabetes, liver function and osteoporosis, we compare Health Tests from the UK’s leading providers and health specialists, so you don’t have too.

We want you to understand your body better so you to take control of your health. Regular health checks and tests are essential to living well, ensuring that any undiagnosed or potential health issues are identified and treated before they become serious.

Some people are more at risk at developing health conditions than others, for example if there is a history of certain health concerns within the family or due to certain lifestyle choices. Discover your current health and identify any future risks through Health Tests that are tailored to you.

Prevention starts with understanding. Don’t ignore the symptoms- get a Health Test today and get the answers you need to identify any undiagnosed conditions, so you can live life to the maximum!

Allergy Health Test

Allergies can be life-changing and disrupt your daily life, especially if you have symptoms like itching, sneezing, swelling, and vomiting, and do not know what is causing it.


Anti-Mullerian, or AMH, is a hormone produced by the granulosa cells in a women’s ovarian follicles and reflects your own personal ‘ovarian reserve’ of how many eggs your body has left.


Cholesterol is needed to help your body function, but sometimes, you can have too much of a good thing. High level of cholesterol can increase the risk of developing heart disease.

Cortisol Stress

Being tired all the time, rapid weight gain, headaches, and feeling not “quite right” are all symptoms that your body is under stress. Get piece of mind through a simple health test.


Discover for your own peace of mind whether your body has developed an antibody response with a simple and accurate COVID Anti-Body Health Test.


Diabetes is a disease that causes your blood glucose (also known as blood sugar) to be too high because your body cannot make enough of a hormone called insulin.

Erectile Dysfunction

1 in 10 men suffer from Erectile Dysfunction with it being caused by factors such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, or other underlying health conditions. Discover the answers you need and fast.

Female Hormones

The Female Hormones Health Test can help you understand your levels of the major hormones found in the female body.

Female STI Testing

Screen yourself for the most common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including Syphilis, Hepatitis B & C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and HIV to have complete peace of mind.

Hepatitis B & C

Hepatitis B and C are viral infections that can lead to long-term health conditions if left untreated. It’s an infection that affects the liver, causing it to become inflamed or damaged.

HIV 1 & 2

HIV is a virus that damages the cells in your immune system and left untreated can weakens your immune system and the ability to fight everyday infections and disease.

HPV Cervical Cancer

The Human papillomavirus causes almost 100% of cervical cancer in women. It is estimated that 1 in 2 will contract the virus in their lifetime.

Iron Function

Exhausted? Short of Breath? Health Palpitations? These are just some of the symptoms that your body could be lacking in iron.

Kidney Function

Your kidneys help your body to keep in balance and have many jobs includes removing water and waste products from your body.

Liver Function

Is your liver functioning as well as it could be? Discover whether your liver is inflamed or has poor function with simple at home blood Liver Function test.

Male Hormones

Discover insight into your hormone levels with a Male Hormone Health Test. A simple and quick blood test will check levels of hormones found in the male body.

Male STI Testing

Screen yourself for the most common Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) including Syphilis, Hepatitis B & C, Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea and HIV to have complete peace of mind.

Pernicious Anaemia

Tired? Constant Headaches? Difficult concentrating. These are just some of the symptoms of Pernicious Anaemia and signs that your body is not getting enough oxygen to its tissues.

Sports Performance

Training for a specific sport takes passion, dedication and focus and with the sports performance health test you can optimize your performance even further.


Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, which if left untreated, can lead to health problems such as sight loss, heart damage, stroke, meningitis, and other health conditions.


Globally over 50% of men in the last 40 years have reduced levels of Testosterone. Get tested today to see whether your health and reproductive health has become affected.

Thyroid Function

The thyroid's role is to produce hormones to regulate the body’s metabolism, the process that turns food into energy as well as regulating your heartbeat, weight, mood, and other bodily functions.

Tiredness & Fatigue

The Tiredness & Fatigue Health Test checks for various biomarkers within you blood to identify possible causes for your tiredness and enable you to get the treatment you need.

Vitamin Profile

Vitamins are essential for the body to function at its optimum. Fatigue, bone aches, muscle weakness and camps, are all signs that you could have a vitamin deficiency.

Well Man

Give yourself an all-round MOT for your health with the Well Man health test, an advanced health screening check that tests for 38 biomarkers and conditions.

Well Woman

Give yourself an all-round MOT for your health through our Well Woman health test, an advanced health screening check that tests for 38 biomarkers and conditions.